" One of the most fearsome predators freshwater has ever known, the Tigerfish has a viscious reputation. These fish hunt in large packs, just as their South American counterparts, the Piranhas do. Prey consist primarily of other fish, but just about anything alive can fall prey to the Tigerfish. Like the Piranha, prey is eaten away bite by bite. Because they have razor sharp knife-like teeth, and extremely strong jaw muscles, they are among the few fish that can turn the tables on prey the same size or larger than themselves. There are unverified reports of attacks on humans."
more at : http://lordsofapathy.blogspot.com/2007/04/animal-spotlight-goliath-tigerfish.html
What a fearsome creature. It has the ability to shread its prey apart. The first article attached to this blog was interesting and gave a clear description of the capability of this animal. Fearsome!
What an incredible view of a vicious fish. Could a fish like that be introduced into the fresh waters of Michigan. The picture is an amazing find. Keep it up.
EEEEK!!!!! What a mouth on this baby.
Can you imagine the damage a bunch of these bigmouth fish could go do to group of swimmers if they were in the beatiful Great Lakes of Michigan? If they made a move of this kind of thing it would be scarier than JAWS!!!!!!! Dun...Dun...Dun...
Open Wide! This mouth would be a dentist's delight. I could get into flossing this mouth.
Popping on to this site has become an addiction. I get my fix by seeing what you have up next. This one is "GOLIATH." I got my fix and I look forward to your next posting.
...Adorable... I would NOT want to be the one to get that sucker off of the hook!! I freaked out with a pike X3
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